Which Floor Graphic Method is Right for You?

Which Floor Graphic Method is Right for You?

Floor graphics have always served as a beneficial, attention-grabbing application for advertising, protocol messaging and safety communications. However, over the course of the last year the..

3/3/21 7:00 AM
#MeetOurTeam - Dan Siekert

#MeetOurTeam - Dan Siekert

Dan Siekert has worked at Nekoosa since May, 2015. Currently serving as our Project Technologist, Siekart spends most days in the lab.
2/24/21 7:00 AM
How to Select the Correct Overlaminate Film for Your Project

How to Select the Correct Overlaminate Film for Your Project

What is an overlaminate film and how do you select the right one for the job at hand? Calendered vinyl, polyester or polycarbonate? Which material best suits your needs? Let's break down the features..

2/11/21 7:45 AM
Pairing Overlaminates with Substrates

Pairing Overlaminates with Substrates

How do you go about pairing overlaminate films with substrates? Deciphering what mil thicknesses and finishes best align with the substrate at hand can be difficult when there's so many options to..

2/11/21 7:30 AM
What is an Overlaminate Film?

What is an Overlaminate Film?

Protection, stability and added thickness - those are added benefits of overlaminate films. But, what exactly is an overlaminate film?

2/11/21 7:15 AM
Nekoosa's Overlaminate Films Portfolio

Nekoosa's Overlaminate Films Portfolio

Nekoosa’s overlaminate films enhance overall graphic depth and protect printed materials from UV radiation, environmental elements, moisture and abrasion. With a variety of finishes and mil..

2/11/21 6:00 AM
Pressure Sensitive Premium and Classic Vinyls - What You Need to Know

Pressure Sensitive Premium and Classic Vinyls - What You Need to Know

When searching for and selecting pressure sensitive vinyls, it's important to understand the application variables for which it will be exposed to and the performance that will be expected such as..

2/10/21 7:00 AM
#MeetOurTeam - Rosanna Roman

#MeetOurTeam - Rosanna Roman

This month's #MeetOurTeam internal Nekoosa team member spotlight is on Rosanna Roman, Nekoosa's Account Payable Specialist.

1/27/21 7:30 AM
COVID-19 Signage Solutions

COVID-19 Signage Solutions

As society continues to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, the print industry simultaneously continues to play an instrumental role in social distancing, health and safety signage. Whether it be..

1/13/21 7:00 AM
#MeetOurTeam - Sisters, Rossana Jurado and Paola Trani

#MeetOurTeam - Sisters, Rossana Jurado and Paola Trani

This month on our #MeetOurTeam, we're spotlighting sisters located at our South Plainfield, New Jersey facility - Rossana Jurado and Paola Trani. Both work in our Customer Service department. Rossana..

12/30/20 8:00 AM